This could be useful for me to track book reviews on such sites as Slashdot. It was easy to set up but I'm trying to figure out how to manage the posts once they're there. It looks like they disappear unless I mark "keep new."
My public bloglines url: I have no idea. I'm not understanding the 23 things directions. There's no Share tab, there's a Share link. I don't know if I'm supposed to make up a user name or if one is already assigned. If I enter a username, I get instructions to insert Javascript code into my blog template. This is Greek to me (or maybe, Geek to me). I am not getting what I expected to see based on the 23 things directions.
I just went into my settings and found a place to enter a user name and change the privacy settings. I'm getting confused between blogrolls and bloglines but I'll ignore that for now.
Okay, I saved the settings and NOW I'm getting what 23 things showed I would get. When I first set up the bloglines account, I had not entered a user name and I had all the settings on Private. Apparently this makes a difference in what you can do later. My url is: is how technology drives people nuts. Directions never seem to be foolproof. And I be a Fool! (No, really -- I was born on April Fool's Day. Thanks, Mom!)