First, a thank-you to Albert Kazooba for alerting us to the trick for typing in the title bar. His message saved me much frustration!
So, I've looked at Merlin and subscribed to its newsfeed. The dangers of RSS: I looked at Salon's postings and got distracted by an article on people betting who dies in Harry Potter. However, Salon only lets you look at the first page and then you have to register. So, forget that! And I refuse to even LOOK at the feed search tools, because the last thing I need is MORE stuff to read. I have a JOB, people! I appreciate knowing what tools exist, but I intend to be selective about which ones I use.
Wow, I'm sounding wonderfully curmudgeonly today. Mom says stop frowning, your face will freeze that way! (Remember the Calvin & Hobbes strip in which Calvin goes around with a grotesque expression, trying to get his face to freeze that way? What a guy! He's my hero.)